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Video Content Creation Resources  

The case for the power of video content has been made and made again for audience engagement professionals that want to build relationships with their audiences. Culture Republic’s digital development programme AmbITion Scotland created a series of resources to support you and your organisation in getting started with video production.

Need to know the basics about investing in cameras, tripods, microphones and other kit? Watch the How to Get Going With Video Creation Guide.

Putting everything together as an edited piece is the next step in video production. Examples of editing software and sources for music are included in the How To Guide To Editing Your Own Videos so that your beautifully photographed footage will all come together into a  compelling story that helps you connect with your audiences.

You can make your videos accessible to hearing impaired audiences with captions and subtitles inexpensively and in-house. The How To Make Online Videos Accessible Using Captions and Subtitles includes a range of tools available to do the job and guidance on how best to use them. The video below demonstrates the process.

Once you’ve made your videos, you will want to get them out to the rest of the world. The How to Upload Video guide provides a series of instructional cases for uploading to Vimeo, YouTube, Blip or for self-hosting. There are good reasons for choosing different platforms, and its worth giving a bit of thought to which one will best reach your target audiences.

Not sure where video might fit in with your overall marketing strategy or how to segment your audiences to make sure you are providing appropriate content? Follow the links to more resources on these topics.

Main image credit: Cinamatic Wedding Videographer Videography Video Production Austin by Flickr user Movieing Memories via a CC License