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CRM and the future of fundraising  

Membership schemes can be a great way for arts and cultural organisations to build audiences and generate additional income. For any membership scheme to work, however, it needs a strong CRM strategy behind it. With this in mind, the team from Spektrix  will run a surgery session at our upcoming Future of CRM & Ticketing event exploring approaches to philanthropy and ways of ensuring that your membership scheme benefits both donors and organisations.

The round-table session will be packed full of practical advice and examples of best practice from across the sector including the Tate, the Royal College of Music and Creation Theatre.

Here’s a preview of some of the key learnings you’ll be able to take away from the surgery session:

Be clear about the purpose of your membership scheme. Are you looking to grow your existing audience, attract new visitors or make money? The clearer you are about your objectives the easier it will be to achieve them.

Make the most of your data. You likely already have a wealth of information on your customers’ behaviours and preferences and you should be using this information to craft a membership scheme that you know will appeal directly to your audiences. What’s more, you can segment your audience database into a group of potential members and make sure you’re targeting them directly.

If something isn’t working, change it! It is important to regularly review how well a membership scheme is going. Have members made the most of benefits available to them? Are renewal rates high? If not, you need to think about why and what you can do to improve it.

Catch up with the Spektrix team on 25 August in Glasgow for more in-depth advice on ways of using data to inform membership deals and guidance on how you can ensure you are getting the maximum return of investment from your schemes. The Future of CRM & Ticketing event will also feature surgery sessions from CCR, Circle Interactive, Information Commissioner’s Office, PatronBase and Tessitura.

Main image credit: The audience by open hardware summit (CC by 2.0)